Matthew Davies

Senior Frontend Engineer


About me

From the time that I was 7 or 8, playing with simple C++ programs, to my early teen years spent experimenting on Linux systems, all the way up to present day, working on large projects with many moving parts, I've always loved computers. Anything and everything computer-related, especially when I can solve a problem with a piece of software!

I am well versed in full-stack development, with an emphasis on the front-end. I am an experienced AngularJS engineer on the frontend. I also have a decent amount of knowledge with Laravel on the backend and PHP in general.

As a software engineer, I have a good understanding of the business world, as I worked for 3 years as a engineer in the business field. I also have knowledge of GIS systems, such as PostGIS and QGIS, as well as front-end tooling such as Leaflet.

As well as being a software engineer, I have experience with media productions. I've worked on projects from live events, such as concerts and theater productions, to company advertisements, to short films. I'm an experienced video editor as well as a camera operator, director of photography and technical director.

Whether it be meeting needs via media creation or software development, my joy comes from creating and implementing solutions that satisfy requirements. Ultimately, my passion is taking an idea or need from beginning to end.

Articles by 

Matthew Davies

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